摘要将等离子体的高活化性能与催化发光的传感特性相结合,以成本低、合成简单的碱土金属纳米Mg O为传感材料,构建了基于低温等离子体辅助的催化发光传感器,用于乙烯的快速检测。由于等离子体具有高活化性能,本方法的检测温度远低于传统的催化发光检测法的常用温度(300-500℃)甲苯检测仪,无需加热装置,在室温下实现了对乙烯快速、灵敏的检测。室温(25℃)下乙烯传感器,对乙烯的检出限为37 ng/m L(30 ppm),线性范围为112-4997 ng/m L(90-3998 ppm,R=0.97669),传感器具有良好的选择性和重现性。此传感器制备简单、稳定性高、低能耗、成本低,与传统的气体检测方法相比具有良好的实用性和普适性,为开发性能优异的新型催化发光传感器提供了策略。Based on the plasma activation and the sensing ability of cataluminescence, a low temperature plasma-assisted cataluminescence sensor was developed for ethylene detection using the low-cost and abundant alkaline-earth oxides of MgO nanomaterials as the sensing materials. Taking advantage of the high activity of the plasma, the working temperature of this method was greatly decreased than that of traditional detection method (300-500℃) ,and the sensing of ethylene was realized at room temperature without any heating device. This ethylene cataluminescence sensor gave a linear range of 112-4997 ng/mL (90-3998 ppm,R = 0.97669) with a detection limit of 37 ng/mL (30 ppm). Besides乙烯传感器煤气检测仪, the sensor showed good selectivity and stability in ethylene detection. Due to the absence of the heating element, the present sensor was simple,rapid乙烯传感器, low- cost, low energy-consumption and stable for ethylene sensing. This study improved the applicability of cataluminescence sensors and might promote the development of cataluminescence sensors.
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